A Newspaper brought to you by Bobo Kobo

Editor-in-Chief Bobo Kobo is a veteran player, having joined during Nomic VI. They started this paper as a way to keep players updated and aware of the events of Nomic, whilst also entertaining them.

Player Submission FAQ:

Q: How do I submit a piece?
A: If you have created an article, you can fill out the form below to submit a ticket with our Editor-In-Chief.

Q: What kinds of things are people able to submit?
A: You may submit an article falling under one of the non-essential columns. This includes (but is not limited to) op-eds, essays, studies, and short stories.

Q: How many submissions am I allowed?
A: You may submit any number of pieces as you can create.

Q: Can my submission include images?
A: Yes, as long as the file size is relatively small. You can even submit an image without a written piece.

Q: Is there a length limit?
A: While there is no maximum, we ask that you keep it a reasonable length. 3,000 characters is a soft maximum for those needing more guidance, but again, there is no hard maximum.

Q: Are there types of articles you would not allow in any case?
A: We would not accept any bias political pieces* nor will we accept anything that would break Discord TOS and/or US law.

*You can see where we draw the line with real-life politics in our article RFK Jr. is a Cool Old Man in issue #1 of The Nom Times.

Nom Times is made possible by our Editor-In-Chief, our Nomic Moderation team, our freelance journalists, and by readers like you. Thank you <3


Issue #1: Beanguzzlr

Issue #3: Anonymous Player, Anonymous Player, Evil Zoro/Roblox Baby

Issue #4: Thummy Thorax, Players for Temporal Reform

Issue #5: Dawndishsoap87

Issue #6: Cowboydreamer420

Issue #8: NTFJ Baegll, NTFJ Jonah, Jah Ming

Issue #9: NTFJ Alec, NFTJ Thummy Thorax, Crorem, Jah Ming

Issue #10: NTFJ and Interim Editor-in-Chief Crorem, NTFJ Jonah

Issue #11: Crorem, Sponsor Fenris

Issue #12: Crorem