All About Nomic,

What YOU need to know!

What is Nomic?

Simply put, Nomic is a slow pace democratic game making game. Players vote to add/remove/change the rules of the game. The Initial Set of rules is largely composed of the rules that lay out the rule-changing process.

Any rule in the game can be changed and repealed, including the rules in the Initial Set. As the game goes on, the ruleset evolves and grows based on changes that players vote in.

Wait, Nomic VII? What happened to the first six games?

This series of games started with Nomic I back in May 2018, and have roughly been held yearly ever since. Each game took anywhere from two to nine months; we expect this game to last somewhere in that time range. The most last game, Nomic VI, started December 2022 and ended September 2023.

You can compare how the rules in that game started at with how they ended at

So you want to play, here is more information!

What are the rules? How do I play the current game? How can I join?

The full set of rules is and will be available at Returning players should note that there are major differences between this game’s Initial Set and last game’s! The main difference to note is that turns are now one week long. Please refer to for a guide to the basics of the game. Advanced players can refer to for a full guide to the more intricate details of the rules.

How can I and my friends join?

Everyone in this server will be considered a player when the game starts. After that, people will need to request to join in the ⁠join channel. If you want to be in the server but don’t want to be a player, let me know and you’ll be opted out. You can invite your friends with the link

The Spirit of the Game.

Nomic, at least in its initial state, can be thought of as a collaborative game with cooperative elements. Players can “beat” each other by claiming victory and depriving it of others, but the entire game is built via a cooperative and democratic effort.

While Nomic may end with one or multiple winners, the game really is more about the journey than the destination.

Because of that, it’s important that all players treat the game—including other players!—with the respect and courtesy necessary for everything to keep running smoothly. This doesn’t mean that players can’t compete with other players or exploit in-game loopholes for their own benefit. Competition—even fierce competition—is fine, but deliberately creating an uncomfortable and toxic environment may not only result in being kicked from the game, but being disinvited to all future games.

As Judges have the power to decide the interpretations of rules, Judgment can be thought of as one of the most important parts of the game. If you find yourself a Judge, here are some guidelines:

Rules guide play in the form in which they were written. When crafting a Judgment, Judges should primarily focus on and give weight to the ordinary meaning of the text. Secondarily, Judges should consider other standards—such as the original intent of the author, the game’s current collective interpretation of the rule, or the interpretation that you as Judge would feel to be the most sensible or fair one.

It’s okay for your Judgment to be “bad” in that it would result in an outcome you feel is undesirable. As a Judge, you can create and fast-track a proposal that would fix whatever issue you find. This means that Judges shouldn’t invent remedies or mechanics out of thin air when applying their Judgment.

Lastly, remember that Judges should be fair and unbiased in their rulings. A Judgment that is obviously unfair or biased can create a strong negative experience for many players. If you find yourself to be Judge for a case that you are inextricably involved in, it’s considered good form to recuse yourself for the term.

Meet Your Local Mods

The corrupt and authoritarian group of individuals who hamfistedly moderate and regulate the game, ensuring fair play, and a fun time.

Daniel (aka Crorem)

Founder, CEO, CTO, BMI, King, God-Emperor, God, Silly-Billy-Baby-Boy

Fenris (aka Wolfgang)

Bot programmer and Digital Dictator

Alec (aka Alecosen)

Moderator and Muppet Expert


Moderator and Suber Simper